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Il sito dell’ETTU ha pubblicato ieri una intervista al nostro Presidente Franco Sciannimanico realizzata da Milica Nikolic. Nell’intervista dopo una introduzione che ripercorre in sintesi la sua carriera di dirigente nel tennistavolo, il Presidente, sottolinea il cambiamento dell’atmosfera vissuta all’assemblea elettiva in senso costruttivo rispetto a quattro anni prima, sottolineando poi tutti quelli che secondo lui sono stati i cardini della sua riconferma col 90% dei voti, segno di unanime apprezzamento per la sua gestione: visibilità in tv e nei media, incremento tesserati e partecipanti ai tornei, maggiore partecipazione degli azzurri di ogni categoria a tutte le competizioni internazionali, maggiori servizi alle società,  accordo con l’Aeronautica ecc.. Sollecitato sugli obiettivi futuri Sciannimanico ha annunciato che gruppi di lavoro di ciascun settore si riuniranno a Formia dal 16 al 18 gennaio per sviluppare i dettagli di una azione articolata proprio per mettere a punto strategie e progetti. Tra gli obiettivi più importanti il miglioramento del livello delle tecnica del tennistavolo italiano per poter competere ancor di più a livello internazionale e confermare la presenza degli azzurri alle Olimpiadi 2012 migliorando le loro prestazioni. In chiusura il Presidente ha auspicato un maggiore scambio di opportunità tra i Paesi Europei che l’ETTU dovrebbe favorire quanto più possibile fino a raggiungere una mentalità che ci faccia sentire in Europa come un unico Paese in cerca di risultati agonistici e sportivi migliori.

Di seguito il testo integrale dell’intervista.


26/12/2008 - President of Italian Table Tennis Federation Franco SCIANNIMANICO was elected as President in 2004. In the last four year he obtained so big results and unanimous appreciations that on November 29th, 2008 he was confirmed President of the Italian Table Tennis association for four more years. Franco SCIANNIMANICO was born in Bari on 1946, September 15th. Entrepreneur, living in Castel Goffredo, near Mantova, he meet table tennis when his son Gionata choose this sport. After a short period he became General Manager of the Sterilgarda Castel Goffredo team bringing the club at European top-class level.
From 2001 to 2004 work in the Conseil of Italian Table Tennis Association.

 - Mr. President congratulations on your re elections. Can you compare the situation and the atmosphere in the Federation during this and elections four years ago?
"This time the atmosphere was quite better compared to the 2004. Meeting, where political cracks made it a little troubled and less participant. My job was to relaunch Table Tennis with a project that involved small and big Association, trying to increase the interest all around Italy in both cities and outskirts. The involvement of Association confirmed the increasing of interest for the Table Tennis".

- After the four-year period, what can you judge as your personal success?
"I have been chosen as President of Fitet with 90% of votes and in my opinion facts and figures matter most: in the past 4 years we reached an increase of the card- carrying members and of the persons attending our tournaments. We also got an increase of the younger participants. Regarding the visibility of Table Tennis today we can rely on 4 hours of live broadcast on RAI TV and on an Agreement with the Italian Air Craft that next year will have 2 professional athletes enlisted, this is an important innovation for the young players".

 - What would you like to keep as a goal for next four years and what do you think that must be changed?
"Our aim for the next 4 years is a further promotion of Table Tennis in Italy. We need to focus on this project through the Regional Committees which we are trying to develop especially inside schools. In fact from January 16th to January 18th a workshop will take place in Formia. It will involve both Directors and employees of the Federation, in order to study the project and its methods and then go into production".

- Are you satisfied with the positions of Italian players in International level and with Italian national League?
"I am not satisfied because my goals are even more ambitious. We are looking for a proper methodology and we want to reach it through accurate training tables that must be done on a regular basis in order to let our athletes be on top of the highest rankings all over Europe and why not? Also worldwide".

- What is your main goal in next Olympic cycle regarding Italian players?
"Our aim for the next Olympic Games is to confirm the number of athletes we have this year, hoping their performances will get even better".

- What do you think that Europe can do to improve table tennis and to slow down the Asian supremacy?
"Considering the Olympics and the ETTU Congress - that showed many good intentions and interesting discussions - I think we should enhance the number of meetings changing them into monthly meetings trying to collect the best players in each Nation in order to increase the potential of each one of them, giving them the chance to challenge different athletes. We should think of Europe as a unique country to gain better results".

(by Milica NIKOLIC, EWT)